The Team

Meet The Team Behind Global Worship Radio

Chaz Lowder

Leading worship on-air from Minnesota in the United states is Chaz Lowder. Worship is in Chaz’s DNA. “I’ve been around musicians, sound lights, speakers and sound gear as long as I can remember.

Long ago  my high school youth group was going to a camp. Someone said ‘who’s going to play  guitar so we can sing the worship songs at camp?’ I started learning guitar a couple weeks before that camp and have been leading worship ever since 1994. I love leading people into God’s presence.”

JoAnne Geiger

Leading worship on the air from the United States is JoAnne Geiger. For a period 3- 5 years the Lord took me through a ‘dark night of the soul’ and slowly revealed His glorious light.

The process was necessary and I have grown much deeper in my sense of God’s presence and how to live ‘in the waiting’.  A song by Shane and Shane truly helped me : ‘Out of the depths I cry to You. In darkest places I will call. Incline Your ear to me anew, and hear my cry for mercy Lord. Yeah, I will wait for You, I will wait for You. On Your word I will rely. I will wait for You, surely wait for You, til my soul is satisfied.’ My prayer is to learn how to ‘wait well’ and be with God in the silence, for I know that His presence is what I need the most. I am excited to be a part of Global Worship Radio! Psalm 38:15 ‘Lord, I wait for you; you will answer, Lord my God.’

Fredua Cullinwood

Leading Worship on-air from Kumasi in Ghana is Fredua Cullinwood “my working definition of prayer is “repeating Gods words back to him” so I often say it’s really going to be a tedious task if you really don’t know the word because I imagine how you then pray,

God is a prayer answering God and he’s answered my prayer and I’m thanking him even in advance, I entreat each Christian to pray the right way by repeating Gods words back to him so for instance if you sick, you say Daddy , your word says by your stripes we are healed then appropriate by faith.” 

Jacqui Smit

Jacqui Smit – Leading worship on-air from George, Garden Route, South Africa. She has been part of Global Worship Radio since 2022 on air as well as creating Take A Minute with Jesus, devotionals and creating social media posts.

“I was 19 years old and was losing hope, had an encounter with the Lord and experienced His love for me and still do. Music is the one thing that brought healing to me and now the Lord is using me at GWR.

I have a heart for all people. The Lord has been using me at youth conferences, doing workshops with young people, as well as different people-groups. The last couple of years, he placed different projects on my heart. I love how He is always taking me on adventures. I am a creative, doing prophetic art workshops with women, social media for GWR. I am also a NBI practitioner, helping people to understand themselves better in the way they think. My heart is to connect the next generation with Jesus and help them discover their uniqueness in Christ. My heart is to serve others in love.”

Linda Francoeur

Linda is from Montreal, Canada and leads people in worship from around the world with a mix of English and French worship. Linda’s story is one of complete restoration from hopelessness to abundant life. Her life’s story can be summed up with these words: “Beauty from ashes”  (Isaiah 61:3)

“I was born in ashes where hopelessness and despair was my daily reality. When all seemed impossible and I saw no end in sight, God showed up in my life in a powerful way! He saved me from darkness to light!  He rescued me and made me new!! He re-wrote my story. Where I was an orphan, I became royalty. Where I was rejected, I am now called beloved! God’s powerful redemption fuels my passion to help people understand their God given identity. My heart is to help people find freedom in Christ so that they will become all who God has called them to be! If I can be made new, so can you! “

Silvi Maldonado

Leading worship on-air from Cartagena, Columbia is Silvi Maldonado . She says “God has shown me His love for me and mercy.

He has forgiven me and showed me that His love is more than enough. He must be in first place, there were times I was putting another person before God. The point is, God is showing me in many different ways that He is Lord and His mercy is enough.”

Vincent Kiplagat

Vincent from Kenya has been sharing thought bible-based bible study style blogs. His gift for writing developed during college “The first time I received my admission to a college was in 2016. 

There was silence in the classroom because we were all new and strange to each other, so I decided to beat my fears by moving to the front of the class and asking them to bow down for a word of prayer and this eventually turned to be a daily devotions! How good is it to see others grow to better and becoming like a wiseman who built house on the solid rock? “Quite fulfillment to help others build their lives on Christ”

Michele Sorvik

Nathalie Russi

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