Hope Of Christmas Devotional: Day10

About Jesus Humbling Himself by Silvi Maldonado

On-Air Cartagena, Colombia 12-3PM CST


Rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. – Philippians 2:7


How amazing it is to know that the highest God has made himself a human to come to this earth, to be born from a young woman. God may have chosen to send His son Jesus as an angel, but he had to come as flesh and blood to humble himself and be able to live as human, then die and resurrect defeating death to fulfill his purpose of redeeming humanity to give us eternal life through his sacrifice. You know, it is mentioned in Psalm 8:4 what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? How a merciful God didn’t even care about being the highest King of kings, the Lord of lords, and came to make that amazing sacrifice that no one else would ever do for you or me. He gave His only son to die, and through Him, He gave us salvation in the Father.


  1. Are you aware that our humanity keeps us apart from God?
  2. How can you get closer to God? Would you like to have a closer relationship with Him?
  3. Did you know that God wants to give you peace, life, and a purpose?
  4. Did you know that salvation is a gift from God? Would you like to receive it?


Dear God, I understand that my sin has made me stay away from you, but now I would like to have a closer relationship with you. I believe that you sent your son Jesus to this earth, and he humbled himself and suffered so much for my sins, but it was with the great purpose of cleaning me to make me worthy of your love and giving me the life that you promised to your children. Please forgive me and make a miracle in my life, change my ways to be more like you. Thank you, God. Amen.

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