Linda Francoeur

Linda is from Montreal, Canada and leads people in worship from around the world with a mix of English and French worship. Linda’s story is one of complete restoration from hopelessness to abundant life. Her life’s story can be summed up with these words: “Beauty from ashes”  (Isaiah 61:3)

“I was born in ashes where hopelessness and despair was my daily reality. When all seemed impossible and I saw no end in sight, God showed up in my life in a powerful way! He saved me from darkness to light!  He rescued me and made me new!! He re-wrote my story. Where I was an orphan, I became royalty. Where I was rejected, I am now called beloved! God’s powerful redemption fuels my passion to help people understand their God given identity. My heart is to help people find freedom in Christ so that they will become all who God has called them to be! If I can be made new, so can you!”

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